Think It's Impossible to Change Careers Mid-Stream? Think Again.

Time to Watch: 44 minutes
George Huang, M.D.
Chief Freedom Officer, Freedompreneur Coaching & Consulting
Access his free gift, "The Rapid Revenue Roadmap" HERE

George Huangis one amazing man. He followed a high school dream to an elite career after years of expensive training. Fifteen years of education and practicing later, he walked away because in his words, "My dream became my nightmare." When you hear the story, you’ll know he’s not exaggerating.

His journey through hell is an incredible gift to all of you because he came out on the other side with an unlikely new career and buckets of wisdom to help you be happy, fulfilled, and have a heck of a lot of fun along the way.

He teaches you how to create opportunities and open doors you didn’t even know existed whether you work as an entrepreneur or in a corporate setting. If you’ve always felt that a career pivot is impossible or you are too old to do something new, George will inspire you.


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