Difficult Conversations: What If Someone Can't Hear You?

Time to read: 1.37 minutes

We've covered the structure of difficult conversations, how to prepare and what to say. If you missed the beginning of the series all my newsletters are available on my website here.

Today I want to address a question from a reader:

Try on this situation:

You end a relationship. You follow all the steps of how to deliver bad news outlined in the past few weeks. The other person will respond. Here are some possible conversations:

  • You: I'm about to say something that will be hard for you to hear. I'm ending our relationship. (Then you sit silently for a minute.)
  1. Possible Response #1: Thank you so much for telling me. It's been such an honor to know you. I wish you all the best. (Ha! You wish!)
  2. Possible Response #2: What? I had no idea there was anything wrong! I need more information. This is so unfair.
  3. Possible Response #3: You're the worst person in the world. How could you say you love me and then break up with me? You're the problem. It's not fair. I hate you. (Fill in a series of expletives.)
  4. Possible Response #4: Fill in the blank with any number of other responses.

The point here is that you have zero agency (I mean none, nada, never) over how the other person responds. You don't decide how they receive what you say. You don't decide if they hear you or not.

It's so hard if someone doesn't respond well or doesn't hear you.

And…their response gives you information. About who they are, what they are capable of and not capable of, their maturity level, what they care about.

Then you get to decide what you will and will not do, the boundaries you draw, how hard you're willing to work for the other person's sake. You get to decide if you will continue the relationship.

You can't make someone hear you. You can decide what to do with the fact that they won't hear you.

Next week: A few more tips and tricks about difficult conversations.

Please reach out anytime with your questions and comments. I love to hear from you! Email me here.

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