The 1 Thing That Will Make Your Work Instantly Easier!

Estimated read time: 34 seconds (because things want to be simple in this season)

Sending you this imperfect selfie to show you how easy imperfection is.

Sending you this imperfect selfie to show you how easy imperfection is.

During client calls today, I heard a lot about perfectionism and the desire to move forward already! Do any of these examples sound familiar to you?

  • You tweak a Powerpoint presentation over and over because it's not quite finished yet.
  • You stay up late rewriting a report to get it "just right."
  • You have delayed on publishing something because if still needs work.
  • You still haven't written those cover letters.

If any of these scenarios sound familiar, you might be a perfectionist. Or at least have some perfectionist tendencies.

Perfection is the enemy of complete and in many cases, complete is the more important of the two.

(If you are a space or medical device engineer, feel free to go for perfection.) For the rest of us...

The cure for perfectionism is easier than you think. Simply follow these steps:

  1. Produce the imperfect thing.
  2. Take a deep breath and let go of the drive to make it perfect. Seriously. Stop working on it right now.
  3. Send it out, publish it, or present it in all it's glorious imperfection.
  4. See that, in fact, you don't die.
  5. Repeat.

After a few repetitions, you'll get used to it. You'll be more efficient and able to focus on other projects and on, maybe, sleeping or fun.

Send out the thing you've been perfecting now. I dare you. Then write me and tell me all about it.

I always love to hear from you.

With love,


P.S. If you know someone who would like to receive this newsletter, they can sign-up for The Corporate Rebel Video Podcast and Newsletter HERE. P.P.S. There's even a typo in this newsletter to continue to demonstrate that imperfection won't kill you.

Speeding toward the holidays? Stay on track with these productivity tips.

Estimated read time: 1:02.81 minutes

It sounds weird. And seriously, this tomato-inspired strategy will help you get more done starting TODAY.

It sounds weird. And seriously, this tomato-inspired strategy will help you get more done starting TODAY.

In the late fall, the pace of life and work speeds up. This year, there is much happening on the national and international stage. It can be exhausting. Things accelerate - annual reviews, holiday parties, travel, year-end analyses, family visits, and project deadlines. Does it feel like this in your world?

In response to the pace of the wider world, we are keeping things simple here at Corporate Rebel HQ.

I'll spend the next few weeks teaching you techniques for efficiency and productivity so you can focus, do excellent work, breathe, and have more time for fun and festivities.

Here's the first one, inspired by a process called Pomodoro. (Yes, the Italian word for tomato.) This super productivity strategy was developed by Francesco Cirillo who was inspired by his tomato-shaped kitchen timer.

I use a modified version of Francesco's process which you can implement immediately to make your work more productive. Here's how it works:

  1. Text or instant message a friend or colleague who will be your virtual pomodoro partner. (You can also do this process alone.)
  2. Tell your friend exactly what you are going to work on for the next 25 minutes. Choose one thing.
  3. Shut off your email, FB, and phone ringer so you can focus.
  4. Set a timer for 25 minutes.
  5. When you're both ready, text Go! and start the timer.
  6. Focus for the next 25 minutes.
  7. When the timer goes off, account your progress and/or completion to your colleague. Celebrate!
  8. Take a 5 minute break - grab coffee, step outside, throw in a load of laundry, listen to music.

Rinse and repeat as many times as you like.

I used this process to write this newsletter and am now going to take a break to make breakfast for my kids before school.

Let me know how this process works for you!

I hope this helps.



P.S. If you know someone who would like to receive this newsletter, they can sign-up for The Corporate Rebel Video Podcast and Newsletter HERE.