Why Your Energy Matters

Time to read: 35 seconds

Happy September!

Lately, I've been thinking and talking a lot about energy. What it is. Why it matters.

The bottom line: The energy you put out into the world matters. A lot. To you. To those around you. Even to the wider environment.

I'm about to share a personal story, and the point is not to toot my horn but to show you the impact you have, even when you don't realize it.

A thank-you note arrived in the mail from a graduation party I attended for one of my daughter's friends. I interacted with this lovely girl a handful of times and wouldn't say I know her well. Here's what she wrote,

"I would like to say thanks for modeling kindness and positivity in all of our interactions. Seeing an adult act the way you do has shaped me into a better person, and for that, I am thankful."

I was touched. Our world is filled with animosity, conflict, anger, and separation, and it doesn't have to be. If you choose to be kind and positive and you choose to be kind and positive and you choose to be kind and positive, then we end up with a very different atmosphere. How you choose to be matters. Today, I want you to see and own your impact…in every interaction. Big and small. Make them count.

If you get the concept that energy and who you are matters, and you feel stuck or like you'd like to figure out how to unlock the best parts of you, let's talk! I open my calendar once a year for free 30-minute chats. We'll talk about what's going on for you and develop a solution or two. I'm also enrolling the 2023 class for my signature group coaching program, Clarity U.

Here's what one graduate has to say:

"Clarity U allowed me to remember who I am and show up authentically. As a result, I made a career change after 25 years. It would not have happened without Clarity U! The ride is worth every minute." -Director of Qualified Plans and Nurturer of Curiosity

Intrigued? Let's talk. We start in early October so the offer to chat is only open in Sepember. Grab your spot.

Can't wait to connect!


Who are your people?

Estimated read time: 1 min, 15 seconds

The movers put my sense of humor in here somewhere. Do you see it?

The movers put my sense of humor in here somewhere. Do you see it?

I've been thinking of you all week.

My family and I moved on Monday into our "being renovated" 100-year-old house. There are boundless lessons in the dust, the pile of furniture, and the fact that we have no working toilet. Don't ask.

Gratitude got me through a complete panic on Monday night. Letting go will help me live in the chaos that will be our lives for a few months. Then there's the no toilet thing. Oh, the lessons that are here for you.

There's one lesson, though, that kept coming back all week.

Throughout this entire transition, our people have shown up to bring food, help with cleaning, take our children, and offer moral support. When one of the movers handed me a sandwich, I almost cried. When our painters said they could come on Tuesday, I did cry. I've gotten some great ideas for kindness and generosity from our people.

Who are your people? The ones who will drop everything to clean walls. The ones who will give you late-night feedback on an important presentation. The ones who will walk around the block with you when you are angry or disappointed or sad. The ones who will offer you a sandwich in the moment you share together.

Your world is full, and it can be easy to head straight for your computer in the morning. Instead, find a moment or two each day to nurture your people, to show them some love, even the people you will only know for a few days or a few minutes.

We are not meant to do this life thing alone. And you never know when you might need to use their toilet.

With so much gratitude and love this week.


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