I Was Surprised to Realize What's Important Right Now

Time to read: 10 seconds.


2020. What a year.

Last week I was talking to a well-known psychologist in the world of parenting. He writes for major publications and blogs regularly. He told me he's not writing these days because he doesn't know what to say. I could relate.

It's been hard to write this newsletter. I've felt like to be worth your 45 seconds, I have to have answers for you or say something profound that will make this situation better. When I've watched 15 seasons of the Bachelor and am doing my best to bake away as much of this experience as possible, I've been struggling with how to make a difference for you.

And, even though the psychologist doesn't know how to help parents with online school, our conversation made me feel 100% better.

It dawned on me... What's important right now is process, not answers. It's helping you find your next step, even when the path is heading into a big unknown. You can navigate this moment well - with intention, kindness toward yourself and others, and clarity about what's important to you. You can bide your time in process, learn a lot about yourself, and figure out how to contribute from here until it's time to be out in the world in a bigger way.

If you got what you needed from this newsletter, stop reading. For the next few sentences, I'm going to invite you to join me for a powerful process that will set you up to let 2020 go and plan for a powerful 2021.

I'm excited for Goodbye 2020, Hell Yes! 2021. You, I and a group of your colleagues will spend 3 sessions uncovering what 2020 has been about for you and using 2020 as a springboard to your next step. This moment is too important to leave to chance. Join me to build a plan for moving forward.

Anyone can join. You can find more info and the registration here.

The early bird price goes through December 11, and the first session is December 17. If you have questions or want to know more before joining, email me.

Doing this process will make all the difference in 2021.

Can't wait to connect with you!



Three Steps to a Powerful 2020 Plan

Time to read: 1 little minute


Happy 2nd week of 2020 Rebels!

It takes a few weeks, maybe even 4-6 weeks to clean out the debris from 2019, wake up from the holidays, build your momentum, and be ready to set goals and intentions.

I’m coaching at a spa in Mexico this week. (I know. Someone’s gotta live this hard life. In a future newsletter, I’ll tell you how to create things like coaching at a spa in Mexico. It’s a great story.)

I had a blast planning 2020 on the flight. If you had asked me to plan 2020 two weeks ago, I would have poked you in the eye and gone back to bed.

Here are three tips for setting your 2020 plans:

  1. Wait until you are energetically ready to plan 2020. If it doesn’t feel easy, you are not ready. Don’t force it. Forcing just brings the energy of striving and pushing into your year. Bring the energy of ease and flow instead.
  2. Be disciplined about reflecting on 2019 and creating a plan. When the ideas start flowing, set aside time, make space, take notes. Your plan won’t create itself.
  3. Be open to surprises. When you do a structured reflection and planning process, the unexpected happens. Two of my goals for 2020 are to follow my urges (quickly moving past the doubt that stops me) and do new things. Before I sat down to process 2019, I didn’t see these goals coming.

Setting clear intentions and goals is a powerful practice. Your year will take off like a rocket before you even have a chance to write it all down. I haven’t finished writing my plan yet and today I handed my card to a fellow business traveler (following an urge) and I’ve taken up cross country skiing (something new).

Set your intentions and fill this year with ease and flow.

If you want my help with reflection and planning, reach out. If you want to tell me what you’re already doing, reach out. I love to hear from you.

With rebel love,


P.S. Do you have a friend or family member who is transitioning to the new year? Share this newsletter with them. If they choose to receive more, they can join us here.

P.P.S. The New Year is the perfect time for a Corporate Rebel Strategic Plan for Work and Life OR a Corporate Rebel Year End Reflection and Plan. Both offer the chance to reflect on 2019 and plan for 2020. Email me for more info.


Happy Bleepin' New Year!

Time to read: 56.48 seconds


I hate New Year.

I've always hated New Year.

Here's why: You are expected to wake up on January 1st and be miraculously different. But when you wake up, politics are the same. Your body is the same. It's the same world, layered with false expectations that everything will be shiny and new. I hate that.

Until recently, I've learned to enjoy New Year. (Don't tell anyone. It's much more fun to be the curmudgeon who hates New Year.) Here's what changed and what you can do if you are a New Year hater, too.

  1. Change your expectations. Stop expecting everything to be shiny and new. Changing your expectations means you won't be disappointed when they aren't met.

  2. Do something different. We started having people over and making sushi or taking sparklers outside in the snow. Throw out any prescribed tradition and make fun in your own way.

  3. Go to bed. I never stay up to midnight. I like sleep. I like my cozy bed. If you like staying up, great! If you feel you should stay up, don't bother.

  4. Make New Year one step in the larger journey of your purpose. The truth is, New Year is just a point in time on the larger journey of your life. Eight years ago, I started evaluating my year in order to set intentions and goals for the coming year. I love looking back to see how the past 12 months stacked up and by February or so, I have a document that steers the direction of the coming months. This process helps you stay on purpose and be conscious and intentional about what you create in your work and life.

I hope this helps.

I offer The Corporate Rebel Year End Reflection and Plan once a year as a stand-alone process. If you're curious to learn more, hit reply and shoot me an email. We can hop on the phone for a quick chat to see if this is exactly what you need to move forward with intention.

Happy New Year!


P.S. Do you have a friend or family member who hates New Year? Share this blog with them. If they choose to receive more, they can join us here.

P.P.S. The New Year is the perfect time for a Corporate Rebel Strategic Plan for Work and Life OR a Corporate Rebel Year End Reflection and Plan. Both offer the chance to reflect on 2019 and plan for 2020. Email me for more info.